Friday, October 2, 2009


“Thinking drives behavior. Behavior drives results. So if you want to change the results – start by changing the thinking of leaders and managers throughout the organization.”

“The H Factor in Management” is designed to address the shifting paradigm of management. Studies have revolved around quantifying the intangible assets and measuring the financial impact of behavior in business. However, there is a strong need for managers to be able to do more than recognition and measurement. Managers should be developing tools and abilities to manage these “human” characteristics and manage them in a way to improve performance, promote a more satisfied workforce and reduce the financial impact of high turnover and the departure of key positions. Simply stated; managers should be able to understand human behavior and learn how to influence human behavior in a positive way.
This discussion is designed to introduce a new concept in management that is based on behavioral analysis on an individual level to identify antecedents and consequences to actions in the workplace. With this analysis managers could influence performance and /or policy changes that would impact the employee’s performance with positive results.
Feel free to join our discussion and share your experiences or challenges.

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